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Lord Sterling

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Product Details

Lord Sterling is set in a medieval time. The plot begins with a quest for worldly treasure that quickly becomes a struggle against treachery and evil both in the real and the spirit world. The main characters are heroic yet vulnerable. They develop within the story and within themselves. The sub-characters are varied but clearly defined. There are great battles with massive forces told in contrast to personal battles fought with darkness in more private arenas. Scenes of heroism, devotion, sacrifice, comedy, and love evolve throughout the story.

Discovery, revelation, and surprise are tools widely used by the author. Supernatural forces play active roles good and bad. The underlying theme is the all sufficiency of The Great Light (God) and His Son when His will is obeyed.

The main characters are introduced as being strong resourceful and noble by worldly standards. The story chronicles their growth spiritually as commanders and guides. A secondary character “Dutch,” who is portrayed in the beginning of the story as a very resourceful man-at-arms, is revealed as a gentle spiritual mentor. By the end of the story he stands in amazement as his pupils speak of their faith, and in obedience to the Great Light, lead their men with passion and conviction.

Although Lord Sterling is one story, each book that makes up the trilogy has its own plot, energy, and climax. It is a story tightly written, scripturally sound, exciting, and inspiring that brings glory to God!


Sterling spoke, “As I grew, I missed many of the things young people do. I was determined to be the best soldier ever known. And I did whatever was necessary to be known. I began to search for battles wherever I could find them. Because of my size, I was expected to fight well. In the heart of a young man there is nothing more powerful than to rise to the expectations of those around him. I, many times, took when I should have given and pressed when I should have paused. As you have said, Dutch, I have made a name for myself, but to what end? I love not, and am unloved. I protect not, and find I am unprotected. My fame shadows me like a demon of old. I feel I have yet another battle to join, but my fate is undetermined. But here I am.”

Lord Sterling

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